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由于这项计划一直有许多变化,如规模、登机桥(Aerobridge)、跑道和行李输送系统等,让开始营运的日期一直遥遥无期,让我们乘客一直只听楼梯响只听楼梯响,不见人下来,只好依然沿用LCCT ! 

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KLIA 2 第五次展延開幕




财经週刊《The Edge》指出,自大马机场宣佈将向承包商索取延期赔偿后,市场已把焦点放在负责机场大楼建设的UEM集团,而UEM集团虽拒绝对此作出回应,但参与相关工程的承包商表示,该公司已在57日提呈延长竣工期限至1031日申请。 











此外,K L I A2土壤条件不适合问题也引发各界关注,其中行动党宣传主任兼八打灵再也北区国会议员潘俭伟披露,根据1992年吉隆坡国际机场大蓝图显示,KLIA2理应建在雪邦最北部的地段,但后有关机场已被迁移至西部地段,是导致机场超支预算多达18亿令吉的主要原因。 


顾问指出,财政部子公司--大马国际机场顾问服务私人有限公司(KLIA CS)因无法有效解决土壤问题而在合约到期后未获得更新,由大马机场在20121月开始接管工程管理顾问一职,但自此之后变开始纷争不断,因此追根究底,大马机场身為KLIA2发展商实有责任向公眾解释工程展延的理由。(星洲日报)


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MAHB confirms delay in KLIA2 opening 
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) has confirmed the delay in the opening of the new low-cost air terminal, klia2, scheduled for June 28, after taking into account several key quality and safety issues.
MAHB is expected to convene a special meeting with all stakeholders soon, to explain the delay in the construction of the RM4 billion airline hub.
"We will be meeting all concerned before announcing a revised opening date. The stakeholders are among others, the contractors, airlines, retail tenants and government agencies," MAHB Chief Financial Officer, Faizal Mansor told Bernama. 
He said MAHB does not want to rush the klia2 contractors, which could jeopardise the quality and safety of the airport.
"We want to ensure things are done right to avoid any glitches on the opening day," he added. 
Faizal,however, declined to reveal any timeline, as to when the klia2 would be launched, or the duration of the delay. 
The June 28 launch date target was mooted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, to coincide with the date of the opening of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in 1998. 
With some 10 airlines committed to operate from it, the klia2 is built to cater for the explosive growth expected in low-cost travel, while envisaged to also handle a maximum of 45 million passengers per annum. 
It will have 60 gates, eight remote stands and 80 aerobridges, plus a 32,000 square metre retail space with 225 outlets. 
Meanwhile, RHB Research analyst, Ahmad Maghfur Usman said the delay can go on for as long as six-months, with the airport at present just under 90 per cent complete. 
He said the airport apron, a vital component of an airport, is also not ready. 
"Even if the new terminal can be completed by September after a two-month delay, MAHB would still need to carry out operational trial runs, that may require at least four months," he added. 
Despite the delay in the klia2's opening, Ahmad Maghfur said it is unlikely that MAHB will experience cost overruns, since it is not due to variations in the terminal's design, while contractual terms are fixed. -- BERNAMA
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