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KLM荷兰皇家航空-失物招领萌狗视频KLM Lost & Found Service

原本以为荷兰皇家航空(KLM)提供了一项崭新服务,训练了一只可爱Beagle米格魯Sherlock, 每当空中服务人员发现机上出现失物,就会让Sherlock嗅一下,再将物件放入狗狗的衣袋内,靠灵敏的嗅觉,让它在机场寻找失主。

Sherlock也穿上KLM空服员制服一样土耳其蓝的背心,整个真的很抢眼醒目呀! !


在新发布的广告中,Sherlock会依照着气味把失物归还给主人。但是过后的访谈中KLM(荷兰皇家航空)的发言人Joost Ruempol透露Sherlock并不是公司的员工,它只是一只临时演狗。


而广告制作商DDB & Tribal Worldwide则说,“我们有听到KLM的员工在还回失物的时候,那些人还不知道他们自己丢了东西。我们觉得他们好像是侦探一样,所以为了能清楚的表达出这个,我们决定用一只狗。”


Lost and Found Dog In KLM Advert Does Not Work For The Airline

The whole interweb smiled as a KLM video advert was released on September 23. People were awed, touched, and were giggling to meet the lost and found dog featured in the video.

The video featured a “super dog” Beagle sniffing out misplaced or lost possessions, and tracking the rightful owners to return the items.

The world joyously welcomed the adorable service.

Unfortunately, the dog in the ad isn’t affiliated with the airline and had only appeared for marketing purposes.

KLM spokesperson Joost Ruempol released a statement regarding the video saying, “The KLM has launched its new Lost & Found team today to help its passengers reunite with possessions they forgot in KLM airplanes at Schiphol [Amsterdam] airport. 

A real dog, such as seen in the promo film that KLM launched on Twitter today, is not a part of the Lost & Found team. ‘The dog is purely used to symbolize the active way in which the team will search for owners and unite them with their lost possessions.”

The news disappointed a lot of people. But hey, it would a bright idea to hire four-legged workers in the future!


